


What Is SEO

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.

VIDEO: SEO Explained
New to SEO? Start with this quick and easy to understand video about search engine optimization. It’ll quickly cover the basics:
Below are some simple ways to increase the amount of traffic that you are getting to your website.
1.Perform On-Page SEO. ...
2.Get Listed. ...
3.Post to Social Media with Hashtags. ...
4.Use Landing Pages. ...
5.Target Long-Tail Keywords. ...
6.Start Email Marketing. ...
7.Advertise Online. ...
8.Guest Blog.

Types Of SEO

There are four main types of SEO or search engine optimization, all aimed at helping you earn greater visibility in search results:

  • White Hat;
  • Black Hat;
  • Grey Hat; and
  • Negative SEO.
The main differences have to do with how long it takes before you begin to see results (time), cost, risk, and value.

White hat SEO

 practices strictly adhere to search engine guidelines. They are less likely to be negatively impacted by future algorithm changes because you are “playing by the rules”. Results take longer because you are avoiding cheats and shortcuts.

 Examples of white hat SEO include writing relevant, useful content that helps your search audience do what they need to do, promoting your content on social media so it earns exposure and links, and soliciting the use of data aggregators to acquire local business citations.

Black hat SEO employs

practices that do not adhere to search engine guidelinesand therefore carries the risk that your website and/or content will be demoted or banned from search results. Future algorithm updates have the potential to negate or destroy any short-term advantage you may have gained by employing black hat practices but you tend to rise faster because you are less constrained by the “rules”.

Examples of black hat SEO include keyword stuffing or hiding, plagiarism, paid backlinks, cloaking (where different content is shown to human and search engine visitors), thin content (less than 300 words per page or post), and private blog networks (where a set of sites under the control of the SEO service provider is used to acquire backlinks). For a more extensive list see 44 Black Hat SEO Techniques That Will Tank Your Site from Cognitive SEO.

Grey hat SEO falls 

somewhere in the middle. These practices are not specifically called out in the guidelines but should still be considered risky.

Examples include clickbait (content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page and not deliver value), spun (slightly altered) content, link exchanges, and paying for reviews.

Negative SEO

Negative SEO is the practice of implementing black or grey hat SEO techniques on someone else’s website with the intent of causing harm. Harming your competitors makes room for you to move up in search results.

Example:These practices often focus on building unnatural or undesirable links to a competitor’s website, stealing their content, posting negative reviews, or hacking the site and modifying its content.


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